Term 4 - Week 2 (14th October 2022)
Student Protection Contacts
From The Principal
From The APRE
Prayer of the Week
From The Middle Leader/Curriculum Co-ordinator
From the Learning Support Teacher
From the Guidance Counsellor
Class Awards
Class In Focus
Sport News - Swimming Block (Week 4)
From The Arts
School Fees
Scholastic Book Club Organiser Required (Voluntary Role)
2022 Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS)
The Uniform Shop
Sacred Heart Parish
Community Notices
Student Protection Contacts
From The Principal
Dear Families,
Welcome to the beginning of another term of learning at our wonderful school.
At Sacred Heart we aim to walk every day with Jesus by living in both action and in word, the Mercy values of hospitality, integrity, compassion and excellence. The last of these, ‘excellence’, is often linked to academic or sporting excellence, but this is not the case. ‘Top marks’ is not our goal for our learners, for each of them to improve and achieve, is.
Excellence at Sacred Heart is ensuring that we make progress in our learning so that we feel successful. We do this by putting the best version of ourselves forward every day. Some children arrive at school ready to learn and to put their ‘best foot forward’. Others need more time and the support of their teachers. All children need to feel safe and supported and to feel like they are part of the team. Feeling that they belong and are safe is a core ingredient to achieving the best effort from each child in our school.
Safety in a school is achieved when our children know that things are predictable, and when they know that they are supported, even in their mistakes. Therefore all schools have rules that are well known and are inclusive of everyone. When the rules apply to one child, but not another, this is not predictable, and children will see these rules as unfair. A very basic but necessary way of showing that we belong, are ready to learn and that we follow the team’s rules, is in the way that our children present themselves.
Many schools have uniform policies that guide what will be worn and how children must present themselves. We believe, that those of our students arguing with their parents over what is and is not allowed, are more concerned about their appearance and social status than they are about their progress in learning and in supporting the overall success of all learners. Schools allowing this to go unchecked, inevitably have even more challenges with learning behaviours. Parents of these schools have daily arguments with their children over what they can and can’t wear because ‘other children are wearing it, so why can’t I ?’
Wearing a uniform is part of aspiring to ‘excellence’. It’s not about looking excellent when in their uniform, its about leaving their homes each morning knowing that they belong and that they are ready to learn. For those of you who must occasionally have the ‘following the rules’ conversation, you need to look no further than our school’s uniform policy (click here to view). This policy also outlines other expectations such as haircuts and earrings. Thank you to those of our parents who came back from our recent break having their children ready to learn and ready to aspire to excellence.
On time, every day – Those of our learners who experience the most growth and success in learning, are those that are here at school every day. We all become unwell from time to time which prevents 100% attendance, but many of our children are at school over 90% of the time. The important message of regular, on-time school attendance cannot be repeated enough. When a child is fifteen minutes late each day, this is equal to 8 days absent in a school year. One day away of school per fortnight is equal to one year of learning over twelve years.
I am following up with families now around their child’s attendance. These conversations aim to increase attendance by collaboratively setting goals and offering support. Please contact the school if you require support in this regard.
God bless,
Tyronne Maher
From The APRE
Welcome back and welcome to those new families who have joined the community over the holiday break. I hope and pray that the journey of our learners new and old here at Sacred Heart is a rewarding one.
Compassion in Action
This term we are focusing on our Mercy value of Compassion. Each class is currently delving into attempting to gain an understanding of what compassion looks like in their class.
2/3A Prayer Focus
2/3A lead the school in a meaningful prayer during Monday’s Week 2 Assembly. In their prayer they focused on what compassion means to them. Thank you to Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Manley and the students on 2/3A for leading us so respectfully in prayer.
Duck, Duck, Goose
On Wednesday morning, I was supervising the students playing on the top oval when I noticed 3 students trying to play a game of ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’. They asked me to play but I declined their offer as I thought my duty of care may have been in question if I was to get involved in the game! I mentioned that I had noticed the students’ struggled to get enough people to play so my class jumped into action. Students offered to make a poster, some offered to pop into each class to spread the word that at Morning Tea we would be helping the students out by attempting to make the biggest game of ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ Sacred Heart had ever seen! Check out the video below to see how we went! There are little interviews of some of the students who were involved. Thank you to all the students who got involved with the game and also to the Year 5 students who jumped into action. I am looking forward to seeing how you will enact our Mercy values as leaders of our school next year!
I draw your attention to the following events:
Week 4:
Friday 28th October – World Teacher’s Day and Day for Daniel
Held annually on the last Friday of October, Day for Daniel honours the memory of Daniel Morcombe. The Daniel Morcombe Foundation asks all Australians on this very special day to Wear Red, Educate and Donate. Further information to come in the near future.
Have a good week!
Alice Lucas
Prayer of the Week
Retrieved from: Loreto Convent School Gibraltar | flower Spring prayer - Loreto Convent School Gibraltar
From The Middle Leader/Curriculum Co-ordinator
Telling the time starts right from an early age and children then progress with their time knowledge substantially. Pre-kindergarten, children begin to understand the notion of day and night, sunrise and sunset. By the time they arrive at school this begins to progress to passages of time in daily events. Students in Year 3 they are learning to tell the time to the minute and investigate the relationship between units of time. By year 4 students are learning to convert between units of time and use ‘am’ and ‘pm’ notation and solve simple time problems. In year 6 students then focus on interpreting and using timetables and working in time zones.
While there may be few instances in which children have to rely on being able to read an analogue clock, analogue clocks help children understand the passage of time because they have hands that are consistently moving. Analogue clocks also show time in multiples of five, which is not as transparent with digital clocks. Wearing analogue watches is still a common practise and these also assist with calculating periods of time forwards and backwards.
Charlie Barrett
From the Learning Support Teacher
At Sacred Heart we have wonderful School Officers who support teachers in the classroom. The School Officers at our school are very skilled and also very caring of the children they work with. They have a sense of responsibility for all the students to achieve their goals and celebrate when they can see students progressing. Our classroom School Officers have a variety of duties, but their main focus is to support students to achieve curriculum goals planned by the class teacher. They are also vital in providing a nurturing role by developing positive relationships in a safe environment, and therefore supporting student well-being.
A few key duties that our busy classroom School Officers do daily:
- Providing specific literacy and numeracy support to students in small groups.
- Assist student learning within the classroom eg reading or math groups.
- Work with targeted students on specialised programs as directed by the teacher or specialists. eg minilit, language programs
- Assisting the teacher to prepare for lessons by preparing materials or setting up equipment for students or preparing specialised materials for specific students
- Support students with technology tasks.
- Maintains accurate information by providing feedback to the teacher, LST or specialists, written or oral, for future planning by teachers or LST.
- Support teachers to keep children safe at break times by completing playground duties
- Supporting students with medical needs by supervising eating or helping with students with physical needs
- Support teachers with positive behaviour processes.
Thank you to our wonderful group of School Officers for all the work they do for the children at Sacred Heart.
Anne Robinson
From the Guidance Counsellor
October is World Mental Health Month
October is recognised as National Mental Health Month. This year’s World Mental Health campaign is encouraging everyone to make a promise to “Look after your mental health, Australia.”
In 2022, the focus of the Mental Health Australia annual campaign is awareness, belonging and connection. This October, follow http://lookafteryourmentalhealthaustralia.org.au/ and register for resources and helpful tips to build and maintain positive mental health practices in your daily routine.
It is a simple call to action for the one in five Australians affected by mental illness annually, and for the many more impacted by the current COVID-19 pandemic, and the increased uncertainty and anxiety that has ensued over the last two years.
Head over to the campaign website to make a mental health promise (link is external), hear some tips and advice from organisations and Australians, and find resources to help mark World Mental Health Day in your workplace or community.
Families could also participate together in some activities to improve their wellbeing by following some of the ideas on the attached calendar or tip sheet.
Sarah Jackman
Class Awards
Class In Focus
Year 1/2T
We have had a progressive start to our last term for the year and it feels like the holiday was a long time ago now!
The main objective for the last term is to finish well.
That is to maintain all expectations which we have been aiming towards for the entire year. It is very easy to let things slip at this time of the year particularly as we are nearing the end. Yet this is when it counts the most. In some instances, for some children, this term is the most important.
So, what can you do?
- Please keep reading each night with your child. They read then you read, you read together.
- The English component of our homework this term is reading and answering the comprehension questions. Please keep checking homework and making sure the students are understanding the comprehension questions. A good strategy is to have the students highlight or circle key information in the text which would then help with answering the questions.
- Math homework- It is very important that the children continue to practise and build on their understanding of the concepts and skills covered in class. Please encourage your child to read the questions so they can gain an understanding of what is being asked of them.
To begin this term, we have been working with money in math. There are some maths concepts that can be difficult for young children to grasp. In my experience as a classroom teacher, time and money are two such areas that can take children a long time to ‘get’. I have found the solution is to find as many inventive ways to introduce, reintroduce, repeat and practice the ideas in class to help support the students understanding. In Weeks One and Two this term students have been engaged in a variety of fun lessons learning all about Australian money.
Please drop in, or email for any questions or simply want to check-in.
Thank you for your continued support.
Angela Tevelein
Year 3/4G
With the holidays now feeling like it was many weeks ago we have already achieved many things - speech preparation, finishing HaSS projects, PAT Testing, beginning Poetry and learning about and creating Mandals.
As this is the last term for the year a lot of time will be focussing on revisiting concepts and making sure students are as confident as they can be in new concepts that have been introduced to them over the year.
Currently we are doing some end of year testing with the students across major areas such as reading, vocabulary, spelling and mathematics. This helps guide our planning for now and next year.
This week has been the reintroduction of homework (after a term where homework time was used to organise for their morning presentations). Thank you in advance for helping your children to complete and return their homework in a timely manner. If they experience any difficulty, please remind them to come and talk with me.
Speaking of the end of the year makes me think of Christmas. The Christmas concert is in week nine and as I mentioned in our class catchup, our class costume is to be all green. We will be making the headdress at school.
In the last couple of weeks of school in class we will be making several Christmas themed articles and spend a deal of time exploring the reason why this magical celebration is part of our lives.
Have a lovely last term and thank you for your support through 2022.
Rhonda Gath and Jodie Manley
Sport News - Swimming Block (Week 4)
Our swimming block is in week 4 (starting the 24th of October). Each class will travel to the Glennie Pool by bus. Glennie Pool operators have informed us that parents are not permitted to attend the lessons. There is no additional cost to families. The focus in these lessons is participation with lessons delivered by qualified trainers and adjusted to meet the needs of your child. As a part of the school day, all children are expected to participate to the best of their ability. Please let your child’s teacher know if they are nervous are worried so that extra support can be provided. If children are not well enough to swim, they must have a signed and dated note from a parent (or carer) to present to their teacher. Please ensure that your child arrives each day in week 4 with their name clearly marked on all items of clothing. Goggles, swimmers (one piece for girls) and a towel are all required. Swim shirts may be worn but should be well fitted so that they do not limit your child’s range of motion. Due to the number of children swimming, parents will not be contacted in the instance of children forgetting their swimming gear. Please see you child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
From The Arts
This year for our Christmas Celebrations, Sacred Heart School will be presenting
Tracking Santa: The Musical
Each class will have an item they will be able to perform as we move around the world following Santa Claus dropping presents off to all the boys and girls.
I have supplied a list of the country and costume requirements for each class. Could you please start sourcing these items. They need to be plain block colour with no printing. If you have any issues, please contact me.
As 6B as the seniors, they will be performing all the major roles.
As you can imagine, taking on a project this size takes a lot of time and skill. I am looking for help in different areas from the school community:
- Simple costumes
- Set making
- Help to set up the stage area on the day
If you feel that you are able to help me in any of these areas, please let me know as soon as possible. cherie.runciman@twb.catholic.edu.au
Sacred Heart Instrumental Concert
We will be showcasing the students who have been involved in the instrumental program this year in an end of year concert. This is not compulsory, but a chance for parents and friends to see the wonderful progress that students have made throughout the year. The Sacred heart Choir will also be performing at this event!
Monday 14th November
Sacred Heart Hall
Arrive: 5pm
Concert Starts: 5.30pm
School Fees
Term 4 School Fees fall due on 31st October 2022 and have now been billed to family accounts. Statements have been emailed to all families. Methods of payment include Direct Debit, Centrepay or a bank transfer. If you need more information regarding your account or to obtain forms, please don’t hesitate to contact the office.
From Term 4, Tuckshop orders need to ordered by 8.30am on the day of tuckshop instead of the previous time of 9.00am. Please be aware of this when ordering tuckshop.
Scholastic Book Club Organiser Required (Voluntary Role)
Unfortunately our current Scholastic Book Club organiser Shanna Toombs is unable continue in 2023. Shanna has been doing this for some time now and we wish to thank her for continued efforts in this role. Shanna is happy to assist the new organiser with the Term 4 Book Club catalogue distribution, ordering and order distribution.
Scholastic Book Club not only enables us to boost our home and school libraries, but also to improve children’s reading skills and encourage at-home reading.
You can help ensure Book Club continues at our school!
We are looking for a new Book Club Organiser to manage Book Club. You can keep the reading momentum rolling at our school by helping provide children with more access to self-selected independent reading material all year long.
Plus, when you run Book Club, everyone benefits—every Book Club order earns 20% in Scholastic Rewards to help purchase additional learning and literacy resources for our school!
When the catalogues arrive at your school, a Book Club Organiser distributes the catalogues to students and advises them of the date that orders are due.
As a Book Club Organiser, placing your orders is simple online. When the orders are placed by class, the books arrive back at the school pre-sorted, which makes your job of distributing the books easy!
Interested in making a difference at our school?
• Provide continuous access to the best books at the best prices for families!
• Help to feed readers with regular access to independent reading material.
• Earn free books for the school
Please contact our office if you are interested and/or require futher information.
2022 Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS)
The Uniform Shop
Thank you for your continued support of the school’s uniform shop.
Normal Uniform Shop hours:
Mondays & Thursdays 8.00am - 10:30am.
If Monday is a holiday, the Uniform Shop will open on a Tuesday.
Red anklet socks (sizes 2-8 & 8-11) are $5.00 on special.
SCHOOL BAGS: School Bags are COMPULSORY to the WHOLE SCHOOL. Do you have the correct bag? Available from the Uniform Shop for $39.50
SCHOOL PULLOVERS - This is a compulsory uniform item for Years 1 to 6.
SPRAY JACKETS are compulsory for students in Years 1-6 only.
FREE BUTTONS available for Boys’ red shirt, girls’ red and white blouse & Prep red polo.
The uniform shop carries donated pre-loved items (including Prep).
Thank you for all the donations to the uniform shop these are greatly appreciated. Please continue to support the uniform shop with donations. These can be left at the office.
*We accept Cash, EFTPOS or Layby* Please note: this is at the Uniform Shop ONLY
Ms Betty Davison